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48 The Rejection Factor
48 The Rejection Factor
I’ve heard so many people say, “Oh I’ve just had so much rejection in my life. Can you help me get rid of my rejection?” Well yes, we can deliver you from the spirits of rejection. That’s easy. But we will never be able to stop rejection from attacking you. Because you’re going to be rejected for the rest of your life. If you’re going to follow Christ and serve him, you will be rejected. So, partly, you are just going to have to accept the fact that you are going to be rejected. But if you’re free from the spirits of rejection then it wouldn’t really bother you.
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................... Pg 1
Biblical Perspective ................................................................. Pg 9
Other Demons That Manifest With Rejection .......... Pg 14
Deliverance from Rejection ............................................... Pg 21