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39 Casting Down Imaginations
39 Casting Down Imaginations
Paul talked about war. “Our weapons are not carnal but mighty through the pulling down of strongholds. Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought into the obedience of Jesus Christ. The Greek meaning is the same military term to pull down strongholds. What does it tell us? To get control of our thought life will be war. It is a battle.
Table of Contents:
1. One of Satan’s Greatest Strongholds .................... 1
2. How to start getting Victory over Demonic
Imaginations ........................................................................ 7
3. Definition of Imagination ........................................... 9
4. Problems with imagination since childhood .... 14
5. Areas That People Have Problems With Their
Imaginations ...................................................................... 18
6. Victory from Demonic Imaginations .................... 30