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35 Dealing with Legal Ground in Deliverance
35 Dealing with Legal Ground in Deliverance
As we search the scripture’s and ask the question, “Does Satan need legal grounds in order to attack believers?” We find instead verse’s that reveal God allows the work of demons to test us.
Job 9:17 For he breaketh me with a tempest, and multiplieth my wounds without cause.
No cause! Doesn’t that mean, no legal ground? The Hebrew word for cause gives us a definition of: undeservedly, or innocent, having no cause.
Table of Contents:
Preface .................................................................................... i
Understanding Legal Grounds ..................................... 1
Consequences or Legal Grounds ................................ 3
Deliverance and Legal Grounds ................................ 14
Cursed Without Cause .................................................. 29
Freedom For The Believer ........................................... 36
Additional Versus for Study ........................................ 48